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CEO’s review on the successful year 2017

At Westenergy, the development of the utilisation rate and the well-being of staff are key factors in the operations of the waste incineration plant. In 2017, the plant also started preparing for more stringent environmental standards and for adaptation to legislative changes. Managing Director Olli Alhoniemi is pleased to announce the key issues and events in last year’s operations.

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Production and maintenance

In 2017, Westenergy had no need for any major repair work, and we managed to produce more energy than expected. Due to the skilled operating staff and maintenance team, even demanding situations were quickly and safely resolved.

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The entire year led to record-breaking energy production

In 2017, Westenergy had no need for any major repair work, and we managed to produce more energy than expected. Due to the skilled operating staff and maintenance team, even demanding situations were quickly and safely resolved.

Production Manager Kai Alavillamo, Maintenance Manager Rauno Tuokkola and Operating Engineer Petri Suomela have all worked at Westenergy since the plant started operations in 2012. Over the years, these men have seen a variety of challenging situations. Year 2017, however, passed excellently.

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Health and safety

Occupational safety is very important in Waste-to-Energy plants like Westenergy. The regulations must be followed stringently, and current issues are updated promptly. We also support the community and well-being at work in many ways.

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Several investments in occupational safety, well-being and education

Occupational safety is very important in Waste-to-Energy plants like Westenergy. The regulations must be followed stringently, and current issues are updated promptly. We also support the community and well-being at work in many ways.

According to Rauno Tuokkola, Maintenance Manager and Occupational Safety Manager, anything could happen at the plant, especially during maintenance shutdowns. Falls from scaffolding, cuts, injuries caused from hot objects or scratches caused by angle grinders are real risks. Fortunately, Westenergy has not had any accidents for two years. This is due to the daily controls of occupational safety.

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At Westenergy, waste quality is monitored by comprehensive spot checks and the emission levels from the incineration process are measured accurately. As the emissions are directly influenced by what goes onto the grate, the monitoring system also tells us a lot about our fuel. We always want our operations to be in line with the decisions and goals that have been made. Our main goal is to fulfil the conditions laid out in our environmental permit.

A pioneer in environmental issues

At Westenergy, waste quality is monitored by comprehensive spot checks and the emission levels from the incineration process are measured accurately. As the emissions are directly influenced by what goes onto the grate, the monitoring system also tells us a lot about our fuel. We always want our operations to be in line with the decisions and goals that have been made. Our main goal is to fulfil the conditions laid out in our environmental permit.

Waste Quality Inspector Laura Valtari and Environmental Manager Substitute Juha Ripatti know very well what kind of waste the Western Finland municipalities are sending for energy production. Laura makes spot checks on waste deliveries to Westenergy to see if there are any non-combustible materials or something that could damage the incineration plant’s machinery. The goal is to check 100 deliveries per year.

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Transparency is an essential part of Westenergy’s operations. We have thousands of visitors at the plant every year and we try to make contacts in our operational area in various ways. The work and study opportunities we offer will also help to make our operations known.

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Engaging communities through open information and cooperation models

Transparency is an essential part of Westenergy’s operations. We have thousands of visitors at the plant every year and we try to make contacts in our operational area in various ways. The work and study opportunities we offer will also help to make our operations known.

Important work for Westenergy’s transparency is made by Communications Officer Sanna Hautamaa and Executive Assistant Maria Teräs, who meet hundreds of people on site tours and at trade fairs annually.

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