Several investments in occupational safety, well-being and education
Occupational safety is very important in Waste-to-Energy plants like Westenergy. The regulations must be followed stringently, and current issues are updated promptly. We also support the community and well-being at work in many ways.
According to Rauno Tuokkola, Maintenance Manager and Occupational Safety Manager, anything could happen at the plant, especially during maintenance shutdowns. Falls from scaffolding, cuts, injuries caused from hot objects or scratches caused by angle grinders are real risks. Fortunately, Westenergy has not had any accidents for two years. This is due to the daily controls of occupational safety:
– We follow the occupational safety rules very carefully and ensure that our service providers also comply with them. Anyone working at Westenergy undergoes health and safety orientation training, whether for a shutdown or a longer period. In 2017, the health and safety orientation became web-based, meaning that a person can already receive it before starting work, says Rauno.
A 15-minute occupational safety session will always be held with the staff whenever there is a current issue on occupational safety at the plant. Potential hazards and employee behaviour at the plant are regularly monitored during our occupational safety rounds. Each employee also makes notifications about close call situations that will then be reviewed and corrected. The goal is to make a total of 120 notifications during the year; the total for last year was 146.